I am in this really awesome swap group on flickr. It is a great place where you trade fabrics with other group members by exchanging ones that you no longer want/need with ones that you are ISO (in search of). I have been in this group for quite awhile, and it has been so much fun! I've gotten to know lots of great people while also getting ahold of fabrics that I love.
Today I added a lot of new fabrics to my photostream that are up for swap. Here's the deal... My family is moving in about 2 weeks (yikes! don't even ask if I've packed yet), and I don't want to bring a bunch of fabric that I am no longer using. So I thought I'd swap them for fabrics that I am looking for.
I am currently collecting fabrics for two coordinating twin quilts for the bunk bed in my little boy's room. My inspiration is from Allison's nursery. I just love the bright, eclectic colors in her quilts and am looking for similar fabrics and prints. If you want to help by exchanging with me, please swing over to my flickr page and see what I have to swap! Here are a few of the many items that I have up for grabs:
Make sure you check out our group by clicking the buttom below. If you love designer fabric, you will love it. :)
Saturday, February 27, 2010
shop update - part 2
Here are the rest of the new rag quilts for the shop. As always, click on the photos for more info! :)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
shop update

Four new travel quilts have been listed in the shop, so click on the photos to see more pictures! Also, three new quilts and one more travel quilt will be listed this weekend. I've been busy this week! :)
Saturday, February 20, 2010

I absolutely adore Meadowsweet, the new line by Sandi Henderson. It is so fresh and bright, and I love every print. I had ordered a fat quarter set of the entire collection, got it in the mail Tuesday afternoon, and cut into it the same day. By Wednesday night, I had these three quilts completed. Click on the photos to check out the listings in my shop.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I joined the second round of the Pillow Talk Swap on Flickr. This is a really fun one, where you are assigned a blind partner, and then you make a pillow cover for them. Here is a sneaky peak of what I have been working on. Not sure if this will actually be part of the pillow that I send to my partner, we'll just have to wait and see!
And here are a couple pregnancy photos of me at 18 weeks. I had to include the second one because I thought it was pretty funny. I was telling my two year old to get off of our dog. :)
Saturday, February 13, 2010
So close! The binding is sewn onto the front of the quilt, and now I get so spend some quality, hand-sewing time on the couch to finish it off. I chose one of my favorite fabrics from American Jane, and so far I am loving how it frames the quilt. Hopefully I'll have some finished quilt pictures to show you very soon!
Have a happy Monday!
xoxo, Angela
birthday boys
February is such a fun month in our house. Weston turned 4 and Elijah 2. I just can't believe that they are so big! It is so much fun having these two little guys in the house. Never a dull moment!
If you haven't heard our wonderful news yet.... Baby #3 is on the way! I am almost halfway through my pregnancy, and my due date is in mid July. After a rough first trimester (I always get very very sick), I am now starting to feel like myself again. I'm finally well enough to sew, crochet, and blog again. Sorry I disappeared for awhile there!
And for my awesome customers, I promise to get back to work on the shop. Yes, I realize that I only have a few quilts available, but I will get back to work very very soon. Keep your eye out for a big shop update within the next couple weeks! :)
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
almost done!
I've been having a VERY productive week... and it is only Tuesday! I spent a couple hours working on my double hourglass quilt this morning. I started it a couple months ago, but then it got pushed to the side during the holidays. This morning I was able to baste and quilt it, and now all that is left to do is the binding! Speaking of binding, I better get off the computer and get back to work... Need to take advantage of the boys' naptime! :).jpg)

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