It is definitely a lot harder to get any sewing done with a newborn in the house. I do try to get a little done every day, whether it is time spent cutting fabric or actually at the machine. Even if it is only half an hour, it definitely makes this mama a lot happier.

This week I spent some time sewing 18 more Flea Market Fancy blocks for the queen quilt for our bed. I mostly did the pinks, and threw in some blue seeds and brown posies (two of my favorites from the line). They take a bit of time due to a bit of pressing and trimming required, but I love the overall look. I think I'm up to 42 blocks now, and I have no idea how many I need overall. I'll work through the blues, golds, and greens this week, and once they are all layed out I will see if I need more. If your new to my blog, you can see the blocks previously made here.

I also realized that I have a new favorite print in this line... the pink barbells! I never gave it too much attention before, but after sewing with it this week, I realized how much I love the design and vibrant colors. The blue barbells are pretty great too!
Okay, babycakes is sleeping, so off to the sewing machine. Hope you are having a great Sunday!
xo, Ang
PS - sorry for the not so great shots, it is awfully rainy here today!