Sunday, August 22, 2010

who knew??

Apparently Finley likes to sleep on her belly! The past few days I've decided to let her nap on her stomach, just to see how she likes it... and apparently she does. Her naps have doubled, and a couple of days she slept for almost four hours! I never let the boys sleep on the bellies, I was always afraid to since the doctors tell you not too. So from now on, I think I'll allow her to nap on her belly but continue to have her sleep on her back or side during the night. Please tell me that I'm not the only one who does this? What a happy baby and mama we are. :)


greelyrita said...

Worry Not!! For MANY years doctors said that babies MUST NOT sleep on their backs because if they cough up stuff, they'll not be able to get it out of their mouths. It's silly. On your back or on you stomach, you can put your head sideways. It's common knowledge that the quality of your sleep is extremely important for the quality of your following day and ultimately your health. Longer naps mean she's enjoying her sleep. End of thinking about this, right?

Raven said...

My youngest (now 19 months) slept on her belly starting at just a couple of weeks old. She had HORRIBLE reflux (had to take meds until about 9 months) and I think it hurt/burned when she was on her back but the second she was on her tummy she was great! Of course I worried a lot at first and checked on her constantly, but her neck got very strong very quickly and she was fine. Have fun with your sweet baby girl! :)

susan said...

When my oldest was born (just turned 21!) they were just beginning to say not to let babies sleep on their stomach. But he threw up so much and startled awake on his back - he slept much, much better on his stomach. The other way he was comfortable was if I put him on his side with a rolled up baby blanket along his back to support him. Enjoy your baby and your rest!

Audrie said...

My sisters and I (and every one of my cousins) slept on our bellies when were little... we're all alive and kicking so it must be just fine! I was actually surprised when I started hearing it wasn't advisable because that's how we've always done it in my family.

Anonymous said...

Both my babies slept on their bellies :) They were happier and I really had no choice! Follow your instinct~

Nancy said...

My mom swears that babies should sleep on their tummies, so when my little one was having trouble she put her on her tummy and she takes long naps and only wakes up once durring the night. I still worry about her but I'm so glad that she is sleeping well. Finley is darling and I love her name.

Jessy said...

I nanny for a little one (11 months) who has slept on his tummy from day one. Even while swaddled up tight he would scream bloody murder when you put him on his back so his mom (a pediatrician!) has always put him on his tummy for sleeping and no harm has come to him. Don't worry about Finley, she'll be just fine and you will get some more quiet time!

Di~ said...

Your internal debate keeps taking place within our family, especially now that my daughter had her baby girl (june 13)! ...we had this very same conversation 2 weeks ago.

bulabean said...

omgosh, this happened with my 2nd child. My son always slept on his back, never moved, was a dream sleeper. However, my daughter has slept on her tummy since she could roll freaked me out but there was no way to stop her. She's almost 18mths and still a tummy sleeper, and no problems, but yes it is a bit freaky when "everyone" says tummy sleeping is a no-no.

handmadecharlotte said...

hey...your baby is soooo cute! sleeping on the belly is sooo great! i had a sids baby...who was NOT on her belly....very super sad....but NOAH my sixth child rolls on his tummy like ..that is his fav thing to do!!! he is fine..he has a heart monitor for reassurance....but if you look at dr.denmark she recommends it! looking forward to your new stuff! rachel

Suzanne said...

What a sweet baby. Let her be comfortable. One decade they say sleeping on the tummy is out the next it is in, the same went for bottle feeding etc- blah, blah, blah. At the end of the day Mum always - always knows what is best for her baby. Go with what you feel is right.

lesley [smidgebox] said...

i've just come across your blog from a flickr pool with your market bag in heather ross prints. have enjoyed browsing through, you have many of my very favourite fabrics!! i've always wanted some of those american jane pez pods. sigh.
anyhow, about this post, my second baby [a girl] slept on her tummy probably from about day 3. she was simply NOT comfortable on her back or side, and would fuss and squirm and never sleep! i turned her over one morning as she was not sleeping, and she literally fell asleep right away!! she's two and a bit now, and still sleeps on her tummy, with her butt way up in the air. so cute!!

Alicia said...

I'm late to chime in, but Ezra slept on his tummy during the day early on and his side at night. Eventually, he was always on his tummy. I read about the risks and felt they weren't applicable.

I feel very comfortable to have any future babies sleep on their tummies as well, from the time they can lift and turn their head.